“The Fox and the Stork/Crane: A Tale of Friendship, Tricks, and Kindness”

4 min readAug 3, 2023

Once upon a time, in a lush green forest, there lived a sly and cunning fox named Felix. Felix was always on the lookout for his next meal and had a reputation for being tricky and deceitful. He loved to play pranks on other animals and often thought he was the cleverest creature in the forest.

Fox & Stork or Crane African Folktales

One day, Felix came across a graceful stork named Stanley. Stanley was known for his tall, slender legs and long, pointed beak. The stork had a reputation for being wise and courteous to all the animals in the forest.

Felix couldn’t resist the opportunity to trick Stanley, so he approached him with a friendly smile. “Hello, Stanley,” he said with a hint of mischief in his eyes. “I have heard that you are the wisest bird in the forest. I’d love to put your wisdom to the test. Why don’t you come over to my den for dinner tonight?”

Fox Tricks Crane

Stanley, being polite and always willing to make new friends, accepted the invitation graciously. That evening, he arrived at Felix’s den, excited to share a meal and engage in some intelligent conversation.

To Stanley’s surprise, when he reached Felix’s den, he found nothing but a shallow dish filled with soup. The dish was wide and flat, making it easy for Felix to lap up the soup with his tongue. However, it was impossible for Stanley to eat from such a dish with his long beak.

Felix pretended to be concerned. “Oh, dear Stanley, it seems I made a mistake with the dish. I can enjoy this soup easily, but I didn’t consider your unique beak. My apologies.”

Stanley remained composed, not wanting to make a fuss. “No worries, Felix. It happens. Maybe we can try another time.”

The Fox and the Stork Kids Story Folk Tale Moral Stories

The stork returned to his home, feeling disappointed and a little foolish for not seeing through Felix’s trick.

A few days later, Stanley spotted Felix by the river, looking hungry. “Hello, Felix,” Stanley said kindly. “I have some delicious fish in my beak. Would you like to join me for lunch today?”

Felix, always eager for a free meal, agreed eagerly. But when he reached the riverbank, he was taken aback. Stanley had carefully balanced the fish on a tall, narrow jar, making it impossible for the fox to reach the food with his tongue.

Felix’s expression turned sour as he realized he had been tricked this time. “This isn’t fair, Stanley,” he protested.

Stanley replied calmly, “Well, this is the only way I can eat my food, and I thought it would be a great way for you to enjoy your lunch too. It’s only fair, don’t you think?”

The fox felt embarrassed and realized that he shouldn’t have played tricks on others in the first place. From that day forward, Felix learned the value of treating others with respect and kindness. He stopped his cunning pranks and became a more thoughtful and considerate fox.

The stork, on the other hand, forgave Felix for his previous trickery and admired the change in the fox’s behavior. From that day on, they became good friends and shared many pleasant meals together, taking turns to make sure each one could enjoy the food.

The moral of the story is that it’s essential to treat others as we would like to be treated. Being deceitful and playing tricks on others can lead to losing their trust and friendship. Instead, being kind and considerate can lead to strong and meaningful relationships with others, just like Stanley and Felix. And so, they lived happily in the forest, spreading the message of friendship and kindness to all the animals around them. The end.

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