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The Problem with Music | Steve Albini
The Baffler
Imagine a trench, about four feet wide and five feet deep, maybe sixty yards long, filled with runny, decaying shit.
94 months ago
Read Steve Albini's famous essay on the music industry's problems
Boing Boing
I've been thinking a lot about his infamous essay 1993 essay, "The Problem with Music," originally published by The Baffler.
6 months ago
Steve Albini on the surprisingly sturdy state of the music industry – in full
The Guardian
The music producer, Shellac frontman and author of seminal 1993 essay, The Problem with Music, spoke in Melbourne about the advantages of the internet.
119 months ago
In memoriam: As a ¢90s producer and music tastemaker, Steve Albini was brutally honest — and usually right
Chicago Tribune
He was vintage Gen-X sarcastic, ironic, contrarian, principled. He was the record store owner who frowns at what you bring to his cash...
6 months ago
Steve Albini: The music industry is a parasite… and copyright is dead
Music Business Worldwide
Steve Albini is a renowned musician, record engineer, producer and songwriter. He's also not shy of expressing a controversial opinion or two.
113 months ago
Steve Albini Was an Icon of Punk-Rock Purity—but He Also Showed How You Could Evolve
Slate Magazine
The legendary producer, dead at 61, was more than just a rigid minimalist.
6 months ago
Steve Albini Hates Sonic Youth, GQ
The Chicagoist
Photo by Dena Flows · Steve Albini may be Chicago's most famous angry young man. Well, at least that's the rep he has. The music engineer...
169 months ago
Steve Albini: the internet has solved the problem with music
The Guardian
Nor does he skirt around the issue of pay; his original essay famously included a financial breakdown of who gets paid what in the music...
119 months ago
RIP Steve Albini
https://youtu.be/OJ62RzJkYUo Pitchfork announced that Steve Albini, indie music producer and general gadfly to the music industry,...
6 months ago
Steve Albini: 17 Essential Albums
Rolling Stone
Steve Albini, who died today at 61, left his mark on music in more ways than can be counted. He made scrappy indie rock with Big Black and Shellac.
6 months ago