A fictionalized journal relates the experiences of a young stowaway from 1768 to 1771 aboard the Endeavor which sailed around the world under Captain James Cook.
Once on board the vessel, Owen quickly finds this is anything but innocent fun. The ship is packed with teenagers from Central America, and it looks like Owen has stumbled into a people-smuggling operation.
The thrills take to the seas in the latest breakneck-speed adventure from ace storyteller Gordon Korman.Aiden and Meg Falconer are on the hunt for the one man who might be able to free their parents from jail.
After having braved cold, hunger and the blades of the propeller, the luckless stowaway is discovered by police scuba divers. But when he is arrested, the charge is for a much greater crime than illegal immigration.
In this New York Times bestseller, Newbery Medal winner Hesse recreates Captain James Cook's momentous voyage through the eyes of his remarkable stowaway--a young boy named Nicholas Young. Illustrations.
Raised as an orphan in a parsonage in Bath, England, Cassie learns she has a father and sets out to find him. Her search leads her to the high seas. Molested by passengers on her father's ship, Cassie must learn acceptance and love.