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The eleven contributions to this volume, written by expert corpus linguists, tackle corpora from a wide range of perspectives and aim to shed light on the numerous linguistic and pedagogical uses to which corpora can be put.
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The comprehensive scope of this volume should be invaluable to applied linguists and corpus linguists as well as to would-be learner corpus builders and analysts who wish to discover more about a new, exciting and fast-growing field of ...
inauthor:"Sylviane Granger" από
The volume covers a wide range span of topics, including: -the use of language resources for lexicographic purposes, in the form of lexical databases like WordNet or corpora of different types - innovative changes to the dictionary ...
inauthor:"Sylviane Granger" από
As such, the collection offers a global, up-to-date appreciation of theoretical and practical issues which will be of value to researchers in many areas of English Linguistics.
inauthor:"Sylviane Granger" από
"This is the first book to investigate the field of phraseology from a learner corpus perspective.
inauthor:"Sylviane Granger" από
French-English language dictionary containing homonyms, paronyms and synonyms which might be confused.
inauthor:"Sylviane Granger" από
本论文集分为3个部分,分别涉及语料库应用于对比语言学和翻译研究的理论和方法,语料库在对比研究和翻译中的实际应用以及语料库检索工具的功能和应用 ...