... In author Hull. ItclrcKhmonu.nro to bo nvrvud, HoturniiiK Irom n ... Grove for n vacation viKii. SlinkiitR U it mm of Dr. C. K. Simkln* nnd lived ... George Wnkeflold of SLttcnt, Mlu Elwo Coomw. MUs Evelyn Pmtermin, und Mum i ...
... in author E.B. White's observation that, "The aging mind has a. Thomas ... Grove Cemetery. There are no calling hours. Memorial contributions may be ... George W. and Grace Manwaring Whittlesey. He married the former Ruth Johnson ...
... in author in Ncw York. XANCV EWKN. Ite.sldcnt of Groton for Half Century Dies at Asbury Park Mrs. Nancy Ewcn, 90. for 50 years a resident of Groton, died Feb. 25 at Asbury Pnrk, N. J. Mrs. Eweii was the widow of George Henry Ewen, who ...
... George W. Clark, of the Nannie Merry man, which, the Governor stated, OtiC ... in author- itj: j: f tund a clerk who bad written a letter to me and ... Grove, was to day sold at auction to John Stabley.of West Phlladelohia.lt Is ...
... Grove, who will j Huber's team made a strong pf-. be 40 this spring, expects to go on pitching indefinitely, he stated on signing his 1940 contract with the Boston Red Sox. . . . George M'Afee, ace backfielder for Duke University, is ...
... Grove Cily College; Dr. Frank Dixon McCIoy, dean of Western Theological Seminary, Pittsburgh; Dr. Walter Ly- sander Moser, pastor of the Presbyterian Church, Edgcwood; Dr. George Francis Swetnam, Prcs- bylcrian minister and feature ...
... in author- ty who have been examining tho new aspects of the ... Grove and Asbury Park no liquor is allowed to be sold. Trenton and Eed Bank ... George Williams, the negro who shot and killed bis step-child by beating and ...
... George W. Doaso, a lawyer at 807 Broadway, to whom Mrs. Ronton applied for ... In author Ity. Commander Davis will, it Is almost certain, recommend ... grove, (ill ou n mammoth Kuiilo. It was a yoar later when ho llnally staked ...
... Grove ^.feature acts. .a. Disooinns. C:00 in.— AVAAIX "Wlml Jl4 p. the U. S. Constitution Menus to. leLARD. Pi. ](5You", George ... in, author: "A Stranger in the Mill." /a l>?«u p. m.— (\\'U'/.. Danger prLiines of History. 10;30 in ...
... in author ty to inform their pupils that it would be necessary for all ... Grove-st.; Jeremiah Sbeahan, Frank. St.; John H. Greenwood and Thomas Ar ... George A. Purer to Burton W. Leonard, Stratford-ave.; Samuel E. and Eliza S ...