Φρέντερικ Τσάρλς Μπράιτλι (Frederick Charles Brightly)
Πληροφορίες γέννησης: 1812
Απεβίωσε: 1888
Βιβλία: Reports of Cases Ruled and Adjudged in the Courts of Pennsylvania, Before and Since the Revolution; Volume 1, A Digest of the Decisions of the Courts of the State of New York: From the Earliest Period to 1880, Embracing Not Only All the Reported Cases Contained in the Regular Series of Reports, But Also Those in the Practice Reports and the Legal Periodicals of the Day, with a Table of Overuled and Reversed Cases, Annual Digest of the Laws of Pennsylvania for the Years 1873 to 1878: Together with Some Laws of Older Date Inadvertently Omitted in Purdon's Digest ; Completing Brightly's Purdon's Digest to the Present Date και περισσότερα