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Seasonal observations of the UCCE Master Gardeners
by Harry. yee
on September 22, 2016 at 7:28 AM
Thanks for the information.  
I live in Fairfield and planted one dragon fruit plant few years ago. It grew and had flowers but no fruits. It survived the winter outside without any protection. Will try hand pollination.  
I search internet for dragon fruit....for pollination, it needs night moth and bat?
by B Gomez
on September 26, 2016 at 3:59 PM
Thanks for the info, my mom gave me that plant at least 15 years ago; I never knew what type of cactus it was. I had mentioned to my aunt (who has a green thumb) that it never had any flowers, she told me it will. Well, it never has and now I know the reason why. It definitely is a climber, I've given many cuttings away because I don't let it get too wild. It has been outside the whole time I've had it, bees are in my area but I've never seen them pay any attention to this plant. Thanks again for solving that mystery for me.
by Michael Engel
on May 18, 2018 at 1:39 PM
Thanks for your insightful ““confession”  
“ (my name. Is Mike and I’m an impulse plant buyer.”  
Thanks to you, this team me I’m taking it out of my cart mat Home Depot and leaving it to grow in someone rlae’s Yard  
by Jonathan Gordon
on June 28, 2020 at 6:14 PM
My wife and I live in Tracy and have been growing a few hylocereus undatus. We have managed to get them to grow fruit the last two years. I planted them in large pots, approximately fifteen gallons in size. We used a mixture of commercial cactus soil, raised vegetable bed soil and somewhat clay-like native soil mixed. I add homemade compost and a small amount of fertilizer. Normally you wouldn't do this for cacti, but we want the fruit to be sweet. I added some crushed pumice as well. Winters can get really wet and cause the roots to rot, or they can be very cold and kill the plants. I think the potting is the best way to go, so you can move the plants to a sheltered area during excessive cold spells and heavy rain.
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