Computer Case Mods and Misc Info Pages / Resources - Lian Li PC-343B Case Mod In Progress / Part 6 - Front Grillz and Radiator Shrouds

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I didn't get a whole lot of work done on the Lian Li today. The black aluminum grill material from AC Ryan came in with the other stuff yesterday from I was going to go with the Danger Den wider opening aluminum 'modders mesh' material they sell, but it was out of stock, and I though the tighter holes would look better and hide more of the water cooling radiator behind it. Unfortunately this also cuts down on airflow through the Swiftech radiator and I will need to make up the difference by modding the panel a bit more. It should work out fine though as we'll see later on with testing.

I spent some manufacturing the shroud for the radiator as well. By seperating the fans from the radiator an inch or two, dead spots around the center spindle of the fan are reduced, and allows the air to flow through much more of the radiator fins, increasing cooling efficiency quite a bit.

The shroud was simple to make, I had used spaces for the fans originally when I mounted them, I then placed a blue rigid foam around the spacers to form a box, and then taped over the top of that to form the shroud. Effective and cheap to boot. I don't think it looks bad at all. If it does, it will be in a non-viewable part of the case so not a big deal anyways.

-- End Part 6

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