Healthbeat: A few tips about food labels

Pam Stuppy
Ryan McVay photo
Food labels reveal important health facts.

Whether you have one or more health issues or are just trying to take action steps to be healthier overall and prevent future problems, a food label can be a useful tool. The information it provides can help with grocery store decisions and can increase your awareness about how foods may have been prepared.

Keep in mind, however, that a food label is still somewhat limited when it comes to evaluating a food. Some of the healthiest foods do not even have a food label — think produce and some whole grain bakery products. Here you will have to use some common sense.

The back of a food label is divided into two general sections. It will note all the ingredients the product contains, as well as some nutrient information. Because there are hundreds of nutrients contained in foods, this nutrient information is limited to the macronutrients (categories of fats, carbs, and protein), sodium, vitamins A and C, calcium, iron and possibly a few others that are found in that food (such as potassium, vitamin D, maybe some B vitamins, etc.). It does not list the numerous other nutrients/phytonutrients that the food may contain.

For example, if there was a label for an apple, it would not look much different from a label for a sports drink, except for the fiber count. An apple, however, contains a wide range of healthful nutrients not found in the sports drink, so would be a much healthier option for a snack.

When looking at the ingredient list, note that items are listed based upon decreasing amounts. There may also be several different terms listed for the same type of ingredient. For example, more than one ingredient may indicate sugar (such as evaporated cane juice, fruit juice concentrate, honey, brown rice syrup, dextrose, high fructose corn syrup, etc.). When evaluating a particular food, try to make sure that most or at least the top three to five ingredients are healthful.

Noting the serving size is very important. The nutritional information is based on a single serving. Compare this to the amount you actually eat. This is also helpful when comparing two similar products. Some packaging that appears to be a single serving may in fact be multiple servings. Be aware that many food products are packaged by the weight of the food, not its nutrients.

Some of the nutrition label is noted as percentages of the daily value (DV) rather than as the actual amount of that nutrient. This can be confusing since the amount we need daily depends on our age, gender, level and type of physical activity, and an individual's specific nutrient needs. The basis for 100 percent DV is the need established for middle-aged persons consuming about 2,000 calories. Obviously, everyone does not fit into that category. The percent DV, however, can tell you the relative amount of a particular nutrient the food contains: less than 5 percent indicates a lower source, more than 20 percent indicates a higher source.

Let's look at calcium. The easy math that only applies to calcium is to just add a "0" to the percentage number to figure out how many milligrams of calcium the product contains for the indicated serving size. For example, an 8 ounce yogurt containing 30 percent calcium would provide 300mg of calcium. Daily intake in milligrams can then be calculated and compared to a person's needs.

Sodium is a nutrient that tends to be over-consumed by many people. The normal recommended intake is 2,300mg a day, but it is suggested that some people may want to consume less than 1,500mg a day — persons over 50 years of age, those with high blood pressure or diabetes, and African Americans. If potassium is listed, this is a nutrient that helps to balance the intake of sodium. The Institute of Medicine suggests consuming around 4,700mg a day.

Check out the fiber on a label, as it tends to be under-consumed by most Americans. Adults should try for a daily total intake of about 25-30 grams. Fiber generally does not contain calories, helps us to feel fuller, and can help stabilize blood sugar when consumed with a meal or snack. Note that some high fiber foods have "isolated fibers" added (inulin, maltodextrin, polydextrose, etc.) that research to date indicates is not as helpful for some of our medical issues and intestinal health as the fiber and other nutrients found in less processed whole grains, beans, fruit, vegetables, nuts, and seeds.

This is also the case when some processed foods have nutrients added to them to make them look more healthful. Generally, the less processed healthy foods are a better bet than less healthy ones with a few vitamins thrown in.

The amount of sugar on a food label may be misleading. The natural sugar in fruit and in unsweetened dairy products (such as milk and plain yogurt) is counted as "sugar" on a label. Unless you are diabetic and counting your total carbohydrate intake, these forms of sugar are less of an issue than the processed "added sugars" (noted above). Every 4 grams of added sugar equals a teaspoon. The current recommendation for adult women is less than 25 grams of added sugar a day and for men, less than 38 grams. Note that "sugar-free" does not mean "carb-free."

When it comes to fats, avoid trans fats (or those with "partially hydrogenated" noted in the ingredient list). Lean more toward poly- and mono-unsaturated fats than saturated fats. Some unsaturated fats are essential for health. Healthy fats can give us a sense of fullness at a meal and can add flavor. They can also be useful for healthy weight gain, but overdoing fats can add a lot of unwanted calories for those trying to lose weight. If the label does not specify the amount of unsaturated fat, just subtract the trans and saturated fat amounts from the total fat number. Note that "fat-free" foods may have more carbs and/or sodium.

The next time you grocery shop, pay attention to food labels to see what information might pertain to you and your family. Think about any healthy issues and your specific health goals. Maybe choose one aisle each week to explore. Reading food labels can be an easy first step toward better health!

Pam Stuppy, MS, RD, CSSD, LD, is a registered, licensed dietitian with nutrition counseling offices in York, Maine, and Portsmouth. She is also the nutritionist for Phillips Exeter Academy and is board certified as a specialist in sports dietetics. Visit www.pamstuppynutrition.com for nutrition information, healthy cooking tips and recipe ideas.