About: im a real nerd when it comes to video games and i play xbox live alot but if you need help in any games give me a message

this is a fun prank to do on your buddies and they will keep naging you until you tell them but is quite fun and you can write whatever you want from making them laugh to insults hope you enjoy and please leave a comment

Step 1: Step 1

for the start you need to be signed into XBOX LIVE and make a lobby in any game (i chose call of duty as an example)

Step 2: Step 2

now you need to go to create a message and click on it

Step 3: Step 3

click on send game invite and select a friend you wish to prank

Step 4: Step 4

once you have selected a friend insted of clicking send you press "edit text" and add what you want.
as an example i have wrote for my chosen friend to visit instructables.
when you send the message it will appear as normal on your friends screen but when he opens it to find out what game it was for insted of the game it will have your chosen message.

Have Fun

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