Energy-saving & sustainability
solutions for smart hoteliers


Heraklio provides, installs and operates tech solutions
to help the hospitality industry reducing its energy consumption & carbon footprint.

Energy has become hotels' second largest cost item

  • After personnel costs, energy (HVAC, lighting, kitchens, swimming pools, etc) accounts for 20%+ of a hotel's expenses

  • Recent and skyrocketing inflation on energy price is making energy savings all the more strategic

  • Among all uses, HVAC is the most important one, therefore with the highest saving potential

Hotels need to reduce their energy-induced carbon footprint

  • Within the hotel industry, energy consumption is also the primary source of carbon emissions

  • All major hospitality players have ambitious ESG goals and are desperately looking for concrete solutions

Existing hotels usually have largely outdated construction & equipment standards making significant energy savings a very long shot for them

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