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Teaching Process Art To Kids – Benefits And Activities

Kids love art! Everything from simple doodling on paper to creating a unique drawing, children are full of creativity. But how to encourage kids to create something on their own without giving them any ideas? The answer is process art. Continue to know more about process art and process art ideas for children.


What Is Process Art?

Never heard of process art for toddlers and preschoolers? We are here to help you with process art definition.


Process art is an open-ended art experience for children where they are in control of what is created. You or anyone else do not give any instructions or directions, or assistance to your child. In simple words, process art is a process in which your child creates something naturally without thinking of the end result. Therefore, the focus lies on creation rather than on the end result. Your job as a parent is to provide them with tools to work with.


Some process art examples are:

  • You give paints to your child, and they mix them together to create a unique colour to fill in the drawing.
  • Child creating something out of the already drawn geometrical shapes.

Amazing Benefits Of Process Art For Kids

Wondering what is the importance of teaching process art to kids? Well, below, we have shared some of the amazing benefits of process art for children. Let’s read!


1. Enhances Creativity

Process art is all about children creating something unique and creative. This involves using the tools and material in a new way and thinking about what to create next. This thinking process to create something new and unique helps to enhance their creative skills.

2. Promotes Independence

In process art, your child works independently without taking any directions from you. They are on their own when it comes to process art. Thus, they learn to be independent.


3. Provides A Learning Opportunity

In process art, kids focus on creating something unique using the material provided to them. Thus, this gives them a chance to learn to create new things, as well as gain some new skills without even realising it.

4. Learn To Experiment

While creating process art, kids experiment using the materials provided to them and, thus, learn about the different causes, effects and possibilities.


5. Builds Confidence

When kids are busy in process art, they work on their own ideas and, therefore, learn to trust themselves. This trust helps them to gain confidence in themselves and in what they create.

6. Increases Attention Span

As kids get involved in process art, they start enjoying experimenting and creating different things. This helps to increase their attention span, which later helps them to concentrate on academics or any task they undertake.


7. Improves Fine Motor Skills

Process art involves holding crayons or paint brushes. This gives them a chance to work on the muscles in their hand, which helps them in developing pre-writing skills.

Differences Between Process Art And Product Art

You might get confused between product art and process art. To help you understand the two terms, here are the differences between the two. Let’s take a look at the below table to learn about process art vs product art.

Product Art Process Art
It is driven by an adult giving direction. It is self-directed by the child with almost no direction.
Here, clear step-by-step directions are expected to be followed. This allows the freedom for self-discovery and creativity.
One has a clear vision in mind for the end result. Here, there are no expectations for the end result. It’s unique.
There is very little room for creativity involved here. This process is very relaxed and free of expectations.

How Can You Teach Process Art To Children?

Now that you know everything about creative process art, let’s take a look at the point below to learn how to teach process art to children.

  1. First and foremost, give your child the freedom to create themselves. Even if they don’t know what they are doing, trust in their ability to create something unique.
  2. Offer enough materials or supplies to your child to work freely with that can help them express themselves.
  3. Don’t get overwhelmed and provide 100 different kinds of material. Slowly provide new material to them.
  4. Do not watch your little one too closely. They might get anxious. Just relax and let them have fun.
  5. Child plus paints is equal to mess. Be prepared in advance and plan accordingly as to where you want your child to work on their art piece.
  6. Lastly, ask your child open-ended questions and make objective comments about their artwork.

Simple Process Art Activities For Kids

Here are some process art activities for preschoolers and toddlers that will give them an opportunity to create without limits.


1. Ice Painting

Ice Painting

Freeze some ice cubes with colours and give them to your child to paint. Let them use their imagination to make unique painting using the ice cubes.

2. Magic Wax Painting

Ask your child to draw anything on a drawing sheet using a white wax crayon. Reveal the drawing by painting over it with watercolours.

3. Paint With Vegetables

Give your child various cutout parts of vegetables like ladyfinger, potato, cauliflower etc. Let them paint by dipping the vegetables in paint.

4. Paint With Fruits

Just like vegetables, you can give your child different fruits, like apple, pear, grapes, etc., to paint with.

5. Sponge Painting

Sponge painting is another fun way to introduce your child to process art. Sponge painting is fun and easy, and your child will love the freedom of painting with the sponge.

6. Finger Painting

Another fun painting idea that gives your little one a chance creates something unique using their fingers. A little mess but a lot of fun is expected, though!

7. Toothbrush Painting

We all had fun painting with a toothbrush in our childhood. Let’s introduce our children to this fun painting idea.

8. Eye Dropper Painting

Watch your child painting by dropping paints from an eye dropper and creating something beautiful and unique.

9. Paint The Foil

Give your child a big sheet of foil to paint on, and watch them try to figure out how to paint on foil.

10. Earbud Painting

It’s not easy to paint with earbuds. Give your little one a few earbuds and paints to work with, and watch them create an interesting painting while working on the small muscles in their hands.

There are numerous ways to incorporate process art into your little one’s routine that will ultimately benefit your child. Do try the above-mentioned process art activities with your child and share your experience with us in the comments below!

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