Taxon profile

<< Go back one level - Anser albifrons - Greater White-fronted Goose


Pacific White-fronted Goose
Anser albifrons frontalis S. F. Baird, 1858

kingdom Animalia - animals »  phylum Chordata - chordates »  class Aves - birds »  order Anseriformes »  family Anatidae - ducks, geese and swans »  genus Anser »  species Anser albifrons - Greater White-fronted Goose

Scientific synonyms

Anser frontalis Baird, 1858


Anser albifrons frontalis - Pacific White-fronted Goose

Author: Smart, Glen

Anser albifrons frontalis - Pacific White-fronted Goose

Author: Karl Pollak

Anser albifrons frontalis - Pacific White-fronted Goose

Author: Ronny Graf

Anser albifrons frontalis - Pacific White-fronted Goose

Author: Ronny Graf

Anser albifrons frontalis - Pacific White-fronted Goose

Author: Ronny Graf

Links and literature

EN Clements, J. F.: eBird/Clements checklist of birds of the world 6.7, Cornell Lab of Ornithology [as Anser albifrons frontalis]
Data retrieved on: 7 April 2013

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