While brushing your dog’s coat may seem like a chore for both you and your pup, regular brushings are actually an essential part of keeping your best friend happy and healthy.

It doesn’t matter whether your dog’s coat is short, long, thin or thick, regular grooming not only helps keep him looking good, it helps him stay free of pests and prevent skin problems while giving you valuable time to bond.

Even if your dog doesn’t like getting groomed, all it takes is a good brush, knowing the right techniques and a few minutes a week to make it an enjoyable part of her routine.

Benefits of Regular Brushings

Even if your dogs are professionally groomed, it’s still important to brush them regularly between appointments. Regular bushings should be done every couple of days, regardless of the length of your dog’s coat. That’s because brushing his fur doesn’t just improve his appearance, but helps keep him healthy. Brushing prevents painful hair mats, and it removes dirt and debris. It also distributes natural oils that help keep her coat and skin healthy. Additionally, brushing also helps remove loose fur, which means less shedding around the house.

Using Proper Brushing Techniques

Proper brushing depends on the length of your dog’s coat, which means not every brush is right for every dog. The brush you use makes a big difference in making regular brushings enjoyable for your pet.

Pin brushes are commonly used by pet owners for grooming, but often are the least useful brush to use. Slicker brushes have short, fine wires making them ideal for grooming and removing mats for dogs with medium to long hair or curly hair, while rake-brushes work well on dogs with thicker coats. For dogs with smooth coats and short hair, bristle brushes work best to remove loose hair and help minimize shedding.

Once you have the right brush, getting your dog comfortable with being brushed simply requires a few treats on hand. Let your dog examine the brush and reward good behavior with treats or a chew-toy as you slowly and gently brush down and out in the direction of coat growth. Before long, you and your dog will look forward to spending this time together.

The best way to maintain a healthy coat for your pet is by taking your dog to a professional groomer. At PetWow, our professional grooming services provide everything you need to keep your pup looking great, from standard cuts and shaves to baths and custom cuts. Contact us or call 513-738-9691 to set up an appointment today. For more pet care tips, follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest or LinkedIn!
