How to use sphagnum moss properly to grow bigger and healthier plants Part 3

How to use sphagnum moss properly to grow bigger and healthier plants Part 3

Yesterday I covered how to use sphagnum moss. Today I will show you when I prefer sphagnum moss over other substrates.⁠⠀
1. For propagation. Because of the moisture and air retaining properties, moss is a great medium for propagating cuttings. Breathing air consists way higher oxygen (21%) than water (0.001%) and the amount of dissolved oxygen (DO) in water may varies depending on many factors. Therefore, when you use moss, your plant roots will not only take the DO but also the oxygen in "air pockets" created by the moss. ⁠⠀
2. Moss will create the perfect dry and wet cycle that most aroids love (except anthuriums, alocasia.) I am sure you have heard the advice let the soil dry out between watering. I will explain why your plants love that in future posts but for now, just know when your philodendrons or monsteras going through the dry and wet cycles, they will grow stronger roots. So if I can fasten the cycles, it's like giving your plant an extra boost. The downside is you will have to water the plants more often. ⁠⠀
3. I will use sphagnum moss in a unique way to keep the substrate constantly moist. This will be great for alocasias and anthuriums. Here is my setup: a thick layer of leca at the bottom, a layer of perlite and plant your plant with the mixture of moss and perlite. Finally fill the nutrient water up to the leca level. By capillary action, the water will go from the bottom to the moss to hydrate the roots but not suffocate it.⁠⠀
4. I use moss to ease in the transitioning period. If I have a cutting rooting in water and i know this is a finicky plant, I will not transfer it straight to the soil mix. Too much of the difference in two environments will shock the plant. By using moss, I trick the plant to think it is still in the same environment which has a lot of moistures and oxygens. ⁠⠀
And there are too many other circumstances when sphagnum moss is the perfect choice. For example like some specific plants I know will do wonder in moss (pothos, melanocrysum, syngonium, etc.) In the end, understanding sphagnum moss properties and how your home conditions affect it will help you take the most advantage of this wonderful medium. ⁠⠀
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