Everyone seems to be missing the point: another “facepalm Jesus” column

Now when Jesus saw the crowds, he had compassion for them because they were troubled and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd.

Matthew 9:36

So I failed – at least three times – trying to navigate one of those “follow these easy steps to make a meme” website. But I do at least have the photo.

First, I need to be clear, this image is not intended to be disrespectful (not to Jesus, anyway). It’s just that I am blown away by the sheer mind-numbing volume of posts featuring sanctimony, hypocrisy, mean-spiritedness, politically slanted misuse of scripture, false and misleading misrepresentations of Christianity, self-serving justifications, and so much more.

Rather than trying to convince everyone that Jesus is on board with our political preferences, or that we know what positions Jesus would stake out, maybe we should – instead – more closely follow the Lord when it comes to compassion, grace, mercy, and self-giving love.

Just a little compassion. And try to see people how Jesus would see them, treat them with mercy. While we’re at it, let’s extend a little grace too – especially to those we disagree with.

Peace (because we need it in every aspect of our lives) – DEREK


  1. Jesus facepalming isn’t meant to be sacrilege anyway, as much as we’ve seen such images in memes and so on.. After all, He became human and thus was one of us who led a more or less ordinary life and thus have experienced such emotions.

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